Command line tools
Which tools have you used in below categories? With which options? What do the options perform? (possible answers/options listed after category)
* network tools
* iftop: n, N, P
* lsof: i, p, c, N, P
* tcpdump: n, host, net, and, or
* iptables: t, L, n, D
* dig: txt, mx, a, cname
* ping
* traceroute/mtr
* filesystem tools
* df: h, a, s, T
* du: s, h
* fdisk: l
* mkfs
* find: exec, name, type
* updatedb/locate
* monitoring tools / process management
* watch: d, n
* ps: a, u, x, w
* htop
* vmstat: <seconds>
* sa/sar
* nice
* smartctl
* iostat: <seconds>, x, m
* Filesystems
* Which are the types of filesystems: ext3, ext4, xfs, brtfs
* What is an inode? How would you handle a "disk full" error related to inodes usage?
* Networking
* What is port forwarding and how have you used it?
* What is CIDR, show examples?
* What is NAT? How have you used NAT technology?
* What are the types of protocols? Explain their use. (tcp, udp, icmp)
* Which hardware/software firewalls have you used? Explain.
* Have you used VPN technology? Explain what was done and how you were involved.
What is your experience with AWS? Detail/diagram projects.
Which AWS technologies have you used?
* EC2
* How have you managed AWS servers: API, web interface, command line tools?
* Which types of instances have you used?
* How many servers were you responsible for?
* What is the difference between EBS and ephemeral storage? Pros/cons.
* Which parameters does volume creation require?
* What is a snapshot? How are redundant blocks stored for subsequent snapshots?
* What is the "health check" used for? What are the parameters
* Have you used SSL with ELB?
* What are "listeners"?
* Have you used ELB in conjunction with haproxy. Diagram.
* How did you use VPC? Have you setup a AWS VPC from scratch?
* Do you know what a "DHCP option set" is? How is it used?
* Diagram what subnets were used, which were public, and which private.
* What is a "verified" email or domain in SES?
* Route 53
* Have you created a domain in Route 53?
* Have you maintained DNS records with Route 53?
* What does Route 53 offer that other DNS services do not?
* How does Route 53 integrate with AWS ELB technology?
* CloudWatch
* How did you use CloudWatch to monitor server health and network use
* Did you ever setup a CloudWatch email alert? Explain steps involved.
* Zenoss
* What are the tools you used in Zenoss
* How large was the monitored infrastructure?
* What is a Zenoss event?
* On-call
* Talk about your past on-call experiences, and one time handled a major issue
* What are the available paging services, and which have you used?
* What experience do you have installing/supporting Java?
* Explain how you performed JVM monitoring.
* Tomcat
* Have you ever supported Tomcat? What were the configurations you were responsible for?
* What are the core Tomcat configuration files? Log files?
* What is the Java Heap? How can this be set/modified, and what are the effects? Downsides?
* What steps would you take to debug/resolve a "Out of Memory" JVM error?
* Explain your experience with Cassandra. Versions?
* How many nodes did you support? What percent of the data load was each node responsible for?
* nodetool: what are the options, and what do they show/perform?
* Explain how you built a ring from the ground up in the past
* What steps did you take to monitor your Cassandra nodes?
* What steps did you take for a node failure?
* How did you find/get answers to questions you had on the Cassandra techonology?