Wednesday, 23 January 2019

common git

- git grep ‘pattern’: search the repo for a string
- git commit --amend: rewrite the last commit message (must do this before pushing otherwise you’re push will be rejected)
- git rebase -i master: does an interactive rebase on your local master branch. handy for cleaning up your branch before opening a merge request. this is how i squash commits and rewrite commit messages
- git rebase -i HEAD^^: does an interactive rebase with just the last two commits. I use this if i want to combine the two most recent commits together
- git diff <branch> — <path/to/file> : diffs between current branch and another branch, but only the file (or files) you specify
- git checkout <branch> — <path/to/file>: replaces (or adds) a version of a file from another branch. handy for reverting
- git commit -m ‘message’: quickly commit with a commit message
- git commit -C HEAD: commit with the same exact commit message as the last commit.

Interview questions: 2020-12

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